Wednesday, November 04, 2009

been a long time

Its been a long time since I have posted....I feel like my life is fairly boring and uneventful in comparison to others and I really dont have much to share that anyone would really be interested in....
however, I recently have decided to (finally) go back for my master's degree and i decided to do it online, since i can barely sit thorugh a 30 minute meeting at work, let alone a whole masters program worth of classes.
I am looking into a new internet options and i have decided to get a netbook, as i need to be connected to the internet at all times. The net book I want is a Gateway....
here is the wierd part....
10 years ago, when i went to my undergraduate I also got a Gateway computer.
It cost 2300 dollar, and i was super excited becuase it owuld hold up to 1000 mp3s, could play dvds (!) and had an ETHERNET portal, b.c. my state of the art college had ethernet connections in EVERY ROOM!!!!!! It did not have a CD burner b.c. I couldnt afford it. It took up half of the back seat of my car, once i packed upthe monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse and assorted wires
10 years later, I am looking at a Gateway Netbook from will cost me 150dollars and it weighs 2.9 pounds....i can fit it in my medium size purse....i will be constantly connected (wirelessly) to the internet, either via a WiFi signal or the Verizon service that takes over when WiFi isnt available...ALL of my schooling will take place via the internet.

ITs been 10 years....

Does anyone else find this increadible?!


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